Everyone has feelings-mummies,daddies,children-even babies do! ....just like me and you. Waking up is my best time. I feel a laught bubbling up inside me. It comes out on my face. I´m feeling... HAPPY! Uh-oh! Someones not happy now. My baby sister feels full up with tears ans she needs to cry them out until there are no more left. Baby´s feeling... SAD. "Want to watch me dress myself?" I say. "Look, I can do up all my buttons" The words are busting to come out. I´m feeling... PROUD. Now that I´m dressed we can go to the park "Hurry up Mummy! Hurry up!" I´m feeling so speedy-fast inside, I just can´t stop jumping around. I´m so... EXCITED! But the bubbly feeling burst when my baby sister gets to the big swing first. Wanting and wanting my turn is taking up all the room inside me. Now I´m feeling... JEALOUS. It´s hard to share. And anyway, my baby sister is too little for that swing so i have to help her. And helping her makes me like myself. I´m feeling... KIND. "I think it´s time we went home now" says Mummy. "No! I don´t want to! I don´t want to! I feel a shout growing bigger and bigger inside me and I have to open my mouth wide and let that shout go. I´m feeling very... ANGRY! Letting out to the shout help the anger go away. So when we get home I´m better. But at bedtime I get all shivery inside. Angry monsters are coming and I need them to leave me alone. They´re making me feel so... SCARED. "Leave me alone" My Daddy helps me chase those naughty monsters away. I can feel a cuddle coming down my arms.I snuggle up and give it to him. I´m feeling... LOVE. And daddy feels love right back! Everyone has feelings- mummies,daddies,children- even babies do! Everyone has feelings... just like me and you!

Nos relatan la aventura familiar de un padre, sus cuatro niños y un perro que un día por la mañana deciden salir a cazar un oso juntos.

Por el camino se encuentran con un montón de obstáculos. Juntos atravesarán un campo lleno de hierba ,un río profundo y frío,un terreno de barro espeso y pegajoso,una tormenta de viento y nieve, un bosque oscuro. Hasta que por fin llegan a una cueva estrecha y tenebrosa donde encontraron al oso de verdad!

Se dan todos la vuelta y salen corriendo, rehaciendo el camino de vuelta por todos los obstáculos en orden inverso, con todos esos magníficos sonidos otra vez, pero mucho más rápido y con el oso pisándoles los talones, de vuelta a su casa y directos a la cama, a esconderse bajo de la colcha…..


Este cuento te describe un horrible monstruo verde que según vamos conociéndole como no nos gusta le vamos echando sin miedo.


One Sunday morning, a caterpillar hatches from an egg. He is known as the Very Hungry Caterpillar, who loves eating, and so he begins to look for some food. He eats through increasing quantities of fruit on the following 5 days (Monday through Friday). First it's one apple on Monday, then two pears on Tuesday, three plums on Wednesday, four strawberries on Thursday, and finally, five oranges on Friday. On Saturday, he eats an enormous amount of food (which in reality is not for caterpillars but rather being human food), including one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. Then that night, he gets a stomachache from overeating (from all of those 6 days; Monday through Saturday). But the next morning, it becomes Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one green leaf. And after that, he feels much better. At the end of that, he is not hungry anymore. He is neither hungry nor a little caterpillar. He is a big, fat, caterpillar. The now-big caterpillar spins a cocoon around himself. There, inside he sleeps in it for 2 weeks. Later, the caterpillar emerges as a butterfly with large, gorgeous, multi-coloured wings.


It was a bright summer afternoon. Mother Duck found a lovely spot under a tree by the pond to lay her eggs. She laid five eggs. Suddenly she notice that one of the eggs was different from the other eggs. She got a little worried. She waited for them to hatch. One fine morning, one after another, the eggs began to crack. "Peep, peep" They said. All the eggs had come alive and the duckling were poking their heads out into the big world.All broke except one. "Oh what sweet babies I have! What a lucky mother I am!! but what happened to the fifth one?" The duck was worried. "This last egg is taking such a long time." She sat on the egg and gave it all the warmth that it could give. "This would be the most beautiful duckling of all since this is taking so much time to hatch". One fine morning, when the egg broke, there came out an ugly grey colored duckling. "Peep, peep" This duckling was different from its other siblings. It was very big and rather ugly. "None of my other ducklings look like that. This one is perhaps ugly." The mother duck was surprised to see her and was very sad. Mother hoped that one day she would become just like her siblings. But days went by and the duckling remained ugly. All her brothers and sisters made fun of the duckling. And they would not play with him. The duckling was very sad. "You are ugly" "Look at that ugly little thing on the earth" "Yaa. Go away. You´re so ugly" "We will not play with you, you ugly monster." They all laughed at him. The ugly duckling was really sad. The ugly duckling went to the pond and looked his reflection in the pond "Nobody likes me, I am so ugly!" The duckling decided to leave the family and go somewhere deep into the woods. The duckling wandered all alone in the deep forest. Soon when the winters came by. There was snow all around. The duckling was sad and he shivered with cold but couldn´t find any food to eat or a warm place to be in. He went to a family of ducks. They rejected him. "You are an ugly chap" "Who is this ugly fellow?" He went to stay in the hen´s house. There the hens pecked him with their beaks so he ran away. He met a dog on the way. The dog saw him and went away. The ugly duckling thought to himself "I´m so ugly that even the dog doesn´t want to eat me." The ugly duckling sadly started wendering in the woods again. There he met a peasant who took him home to his wife and children but even there he was troubled by the cat that live there so he left the peasant´s house. Soon it was spring, everything was fresh and green once again. Walking and walking, he saw a river. He was so happy to see the water again. He went close to the river where he saw a beautiful swam swimming. He fell in love with  her. The duckling was ashamed of himself and bowed his head low. When he bent his head, he saw his own reflection in the water and was astonished. He wasn´t ugly anymore, he had turned into a handsome young swam. Now he realized why he looked different from his siblings, because he was a swan and they were ducks. He married the beautiful swan that he had fallen in love with and lived happily after

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